What’s Next! Depression through dark times

What’s Next
  • Whats_next, 6.11.22

Everyday hundrets of people have to live through depression and its symptoms. I decided to give it a bit of awareness and explain what depression even is and how it can feel. Music talks a lot about it actually, we just rarely pay attention to the lyrics and think about them. Mixed with some fitting and encouraging songs for everyone going through it. You are NOT alone! If you need help please try and get it!

Telefon Seelsorge: 142 (Austria) Free of charge, operating 24 hours a day!

Rat auf Draht: 147, a crisis number especially for children, juveniles and their attachment figures. Free of charge, operating 24 hours a day. (Austria)

SOS Silence of Suicide:0300 1020 505 ,registered charity supporting children & adults struggling with poor mental health and suicidal ideation. standard rate phone support service open 8pm until Midnight, Friday to Monday inclusive,Free of charge. (UK)

National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK: 0800 689 5652, 24/7, free of charge

The Trans Lifeline: 1-877-565-8860 (America), 24/7, free of charge.

TrevorLifeline: 1-866-488-7386. 24/7,TrevorText can also be reached by texting „START“ to 678-678

Trigger Warning : The word „suicide“ gets used and the symptoms get described.


(The last few songs played are Black Veil Brides- Crown of thorns, P!atd- Emperors new clothes and Moonwalker-Devil)

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