Tony Renaissance – Ice Blue

IndieRE Featured Song

Countdown to launch: Our highly-anticipated IndieRE project is set to begin next week! Radio Helsinki will be participating in this international, two-year long venture.
Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity – stay informed and >> catch up with us! <<


The editor’s choice for this week’s featured songTONY RENAISSANCE with ICE BLUE.
Tony Renaissance’s liquid emotional landscapes seduce the listener to pursue a queer and dynamic utopia! Tony sources from the glow of daydreams and melancholy pop alongside the collective, cosmic unconscious of cyberspace. A delight of the listener is gauging, wondrously, the precarious space between the pretend and the very serious. – (Sophie Strohmeier)


Our friends from O-Sounds at Radio Orange in Vienna invited Tony for a live session >> you can watch the whole session here!!


Picture: Videostill from the Live Session with Tony Renaissance at O-Sounds.


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