30.11.2024 - A 14 karátos autó begördült a bolgár fővárosba. A könyv bemutatóján jelen volt Thuróczy Gergely, a Petőfi Irodalmi Múzeum munkatársa. Az irodalmi múzeológussal a a rendezvényről beszélgettem.
19.12.2021 - Welcome to episode 51 of Bad News - Angry voices from around the world, a program from the international network of anarchist and antiauthoritarian radios, consisting of short news segments from different parts of the world.
28.06.2018 - Повече от 100 години след появата на Бай Ганьо за първи път на страниците на култовия роман на Алеко Константинов, той отново се връща...
09.02.2018 - Alternativer Nachrichtendienst 018, 9 Februar 2018, 17-17h30 Bulgaria to host a high level meeting between EU officials and Erdogan Macedonia changes the name of its main airport in an attemp to solve dispute with Greece Millions of children at...
12.01.2018 - Der alternative Nachrichtendienst ANDI auf ORANGE 94.0 – heute mit diesen Themen: UN critisizes human rights situation in the United Arab Emirates Western Balkan countries are increasingly turning towards authoritarianism ...
15.12.2017 - Der Alternative Nachrichtendienst von Radio ORANGE 94.0 versorgt euch jeden Freitag zwischen 17 und 17 Uhr 30 mit alternativen Nachrichten aus Wien und der ganzen Welt. Diesmal mit diesen Beiträgen: Number of journalists behind bars reaches a new...
13.09.2017 - The EVS Radio show with two volunteers – Robert and Diana – and an ex-EVS volunteer Julia where they share some interesting facts about their home home countries. Diana is from Bulgaria and Robert is from Romania so both of them have...
03.10.2013 - The show about musicians from Eastern Europe presents the Bulgarian singer Milenita. In an interview for the Radiofabrik, she tells us more about her life as a musician and reveals the secret of her success in Bulgaria.