02.03.2011 - Handelnde Personen sind SchülerInnen und verzweifelte JournalistInnen, die eigentlich nur wissen wollen, was die SchülerInnen auf ihrem Mailand-Trip erlebt haben. Fiel wirklich jemand über 3000 Meter (!) vom Mailander Dom in die Tiefe? Und...
21.07.2009 - LIVE ACT VIII The project is developed not only on an auditive level but also on a performative one. Both artists – Borjana from Vienna and Villö from Budapest – are simultaneously attending the border between Austria and Hungary....
21.07.2009 - LIVE ACT IX For this archive we decided to present the sound of transeo III. – a follow up investigation in Berlin in oct 09. info incl. photo-story see link TRANSEO III: below...