04.01.2025 - A Debreceni Egyetemen tanító dr. Bólya Annamária a macedón nyelv és kultúra kitűnő ismerője. Hallgatóival 2025 januárjában „terepre” mennek, hogy személyesen vegyenek részt a „régi” új év köszöntésének...
05.03.2019 - The Balkans may be a region with a lot of musical flair, but in this episode of ZamZaman we wanted to highlight vintage and contemporary sounds from former Yugoslavia that go beyond existing clichés and stereotypes about Balkan music. From the...
09.02.2018 - Alternativer Nachrichtendienst 018, 9 Februar 2018, 17-17h30 Bulgaria to host a high level meeting between EU officials and Erdogan Macedonia changes the name of its main airport in an attemp to solve dispute with Greece Millions of children at...
26.01.2018 - lternativer Nachrichtendienst 016, 26. Jänner 2018 > United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has called for vigilance against anti-Semitism and discrimination of all kinds. > Study by the Norwegian Refugee Council warned against...