18.10.2024 - 2024 júliusának legjobb zenéi, időgép: 2015
28.05.2023 - Let´s take a closer look together at your muscle memory.
16.03.2023 - Wie hängen Ernährung und Fitness zusammen? Was bringen Fastengetränke, die angeblich so gut füs Abnehmen sind? Das sind einige der Themne in dieser Ausgabe von Wos sogga?
10.03.2023 - VENUSfrequency a pop|culture way of the Yoga, Meditation, holistic Body Wisdom and Soul ARTistry lifestyle, together we rise in support of a more mindful, co-creating, accepting, healing and loving world.
05.02.2023 - Achtung vor HIV/AIDS
28.01.2023 - How to change your personal energy to show up at your fullest potential
25.01.2023 - A one-stop shop for all things football (soccer) related chatshow
06.11.2022 - Everyday hundrets of people have to live through depression and its symptoms. I decided to give it a bit of awareness and explain what depression even is and how it can feel. Music talks a lot about it actually, we just rarely pay attention to the...
23.08.2022 - In this podcast I will talk about meditation, it´s benefits and introduce 4 basic ways to meditate: mindfulness, focusing your attention, compassion meditation and mantra meditation. Following the input you will be invited to join a guided...
26.07.2022 - An episode about the social movement that challenges beauty standards as an undesirable social construct to lead to acceptance of all bodies, regardless of size, shape, skin tone, gender, & physical abilities. We dive into the change of beauty...